If, like many people we know, you are currently bemoaning another year of unplanned expenses and unintended spending, these tips can show you how to save money in the coming year! They are easy to implement, do not require you to talk to a friend of a friend who is an expert on finances and will actually show you a difference when you tabulate your spends and savings same time next year!
Pay Attention
Your mail and message inboxes are probably crowded with offers for discounts, cash back or gifts. Don’t just shrug them off. Spare the 5 minutes it takes to actually read through them. There could be a bank offering you a sign-up bonus to transfer your account or waiving service charges. There could be a huge discount on movie tickets. Special loyalty benefits from a retailer. Pay attention – you will end up saving much more than you think!
Take a Walk
A walk can save you a considerable amount of money. First, plan it for an hour that you are usually plonked in front of the TV. Money saved on cable and electricity! Unless you have a really tough fitness regimen or a gargantuan weight loss goal, you can safely cancel that gym membership. An hour of brisk walking or running can help you achieve your health and fitness goals and your body also benefits from the fresh air and sun. Savings: considerable. Benefits: enormous.
Shop Big And Shop Smart
This is something your mother always did and now you know why. Buying in bulk not only saves you time and fuel spent on several trips to the supermarket, it also makes a big difference to your monthly grocery bills. While you are at it, also look at customer loyalty programs and make use of them. Plan early for gifts so you can cash in on sales – you beat the rush and save a considerable amount of money. Also, non-emergency spends like towels and sheets can wait till you spot a great sale.
Monetize Your Hobby
Have a sizeable following on Instagram? You can think of putting your best loved pictures for sale. Friends love your cupcakes? Offer to cater for their gatherings and establish a small online presence that you can manage in your spare time. If you have a popular blog where you post regularly, you can have an ad presence on it. No reason you shouldn’t make a little extra on the side as you indulge your creative side.
Let The Small Things Add Up
Don’t buy colourful craft paper for the children to play with on a holiday. Give them a stack of newspaper instead. Trust us; it won’t affect the quality of their playtime! Clear out the refrigerator. Plan wash loads so the washing machine is functioning at full capacity per load. No wastage of water or electricity. Simple things like having a snack before you set out grocery shopping and having regular sips of water will ensure you don’t have the urge to indulge in unnecessary treats or bottles of juice or soda.
You don’t have to be a financial expert to make these small changes to your lifestyle. Take it one mindful step at a time and you will see that you have managed to make quite a difference to your bank account. Happy savings to you!