Getting a credit card can be hard for some, depending on their circumstances. What’s more, in India, credit cards have not gained as much traction as was expected due to the obstacles of long applications and credit score-related issues. To help circumvent this, there’s been a rise in “buy now, pay later” methods that are allowing people to get their loans while bypassing the usual hassles that come with applying for credit cards or loans.
The rise of the “buy now, pay later” digital loan companies have been assisted by their smart use of technology. With hundreds of millions of mobile and online users in India, by making their businesses internet and mobile-friendly, it’s easy for companies to reach people and for the people to get their loans. Let’s take a look at three Digital Credit companies that are on the rise in India!
Lauded as India’s 1st Digital Credit Card, you can Shop Now, Pay Later with ePayLater instead of needing to worry about applying and qualifying for a physical credit card. By utilizing UPI as a payment method, you can basically buy from your favourite merchants and pay with it. And what’s more, like a credit card, you can even get cash back and reward points on purchases you make with ePayLater. Why need a credit card when you can have a mobile-friendly payment method that works just like one?
Quiklo is a unique one in that it focused on students. Before, getting student loans was not only tortuously inconvenient, but it was also hard to actually get the loans. What’s more, those that got the loans struggled with paying them back. So Quiklo thought up of a new way to ensure that their loans were going to the right students: They look at your school marks. If you’re a good student and you can prove that you are excellent at your studies, Quiklo will use it as a way to help determine if you qualify for a gadget loan.
Utilizing EMI as their payment method, ZestMoney is another powerful way of paying for your things through your favourite online merchants. ZestMoney is known for its very high approval rates and zero pre-closure charges. And it is easy to apply. The least that they require is two of these three basic documents of identification: Your PAN card, Driving License, passport photo ID, 3-months of bank statements, or your Aadhaar card.
Getting credit or loans doesn’t have to be difficult any longer. Now, it is possible to get credit digitally, and it’s not that hard to get it either. With the rise of these digital “buy now, pay later” forms of payment, it’s likely that more will arise, and it will become even more widespread.
Remember that these are still credit loans and that they must be paid off. So long as you remain watchful of your usage and your payments, you can enjoy these digital credit methods just as much as you would a physical credit card or a traditional loan. The march of technology will continue to make things more convenient, such as with these, so be prepared!
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