Blogging may seem like just a hobby, but there are actually plenty of people out there who make a living by writing blogs. If you know what to do, it can be a lucrative and easy way to earn a passive or even full-time income. With the digital age in full swing, there are blogs on the internet about just about every topic there is from pets to cooking to car mechanics, knitting, house plants, and everything in between.
If you have basic writing skills and have a specific set of knowledge or a certain topic you are passionate about, becoming a blogger may be right for you! If you want it to be more than just a hobby and actually earn money from blogging, here are five steps you should take in order to do so.
Create A Blog
This may seem like a basic and self-explanatory first step, but if you want to start blogging in earnest, you really should create your own blog. Of course, this will involve at least a small amount of web design. If you don’t feel savvy enough to do this yourself, you may want to consider hiring someone from a web design agency. The cost of this is a small price to pay in exchange for your exciting new career as a blogger.
Gain A Following
If you don’t already have a large following on Instagram, Twitter, or Youtube, you may find it difficult getting readers for your blog. It could be a smart idea to try and gain a larger following on other platforms first before launching your blog. This way, you will have built in readers.
Sponsorship And Ads
Just like with Television shows, Podcasts, and any other creative mediums, the easiest way to make money from blogging, or any website for that matter, is through advertisements. When you place clickable ads on your blog, you will get a certain amount of money or a small percentage of each sale every time someone clicks on the ad from your page. You’d be surprised how many people click on those ads – the money can add up quickly!
Publish Good Content
This one might seem obvious, but one of the most important things you can do to make money blogging is to publish interesting and unique content. If yours is the only blog out there of its kind, you are bound to end up with a high amount of readers eventually.
Be Patient
Creating a blog, writing great content, and gaining followers/readers are all things that will take a little bit of time. Try not to get too discouraged early on, and don’t give up. If you keep at it, you’ll be making money blogging in no time.
With these simple tips, you’re already well on your way to quitting your day job and becoming a blogger. Just don’t spend all the money you make in one place!